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Tape Drives

Introl 68T and 118T Tape Drives

Rorke Data, Inc.

Introl 68T and 118T are half-inch tape drive subsystems for SPARC-basedworkstations. Introl Tape Drives are ideal solutions for a wide range ofapplications including large-scale graphic libraries, databases, CAD/CAM,and necessary data security or portability. Introl uses the nine-tracktape subsystem, which allows for a universal standard of datainterchange.Introl 68T and 118T Tape Drives offer up to 250 MB per reel, low cost,plug-and-play operation, desktop size, high reliability, andcompatibility with UNIX workstations. The Tape Drive Subsystem includeshalf-inch tape media, auto-install utility, all cables, a UNIX softwaredriver, full reference manual, and Introl's "intiot" SCSI utility.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0,2.1,2.2,2.3

Rorke Data, Inc.
9700 W 76th St
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Phone: (612) 829-0300
        (800) 328-8147
Fax: (612) 829-1925